6 year old practices Single Sinawalli

Sifu and his 6 year old (he is now 7) Grandson DR practice Modern Arnis’ Single Sinawalli with padded sticks, before the Youth Karate-Do class. Besides stick work DR has been exposed to the Jian (double edged straight sword) and the Broadsword. He very much enjoys the weapons practices with Sifu.Lesson 1:When teaching younger students weapons…The practice always starts and ends with respect!The weapons should be fun …but it’s NOT play time…..The practices should be formal and with a qualified teacherYounger students should learns to hit weapon to weapon first..NOT weapon to body! Lesson 2:Correct weapons training will greatly speed up the training process of your empty hand techniques,proper relaxation and whole body power. It will help to strengthen you hands, wrists, arms and shoulders…..it will also help to keep the joints moving properly with good flexibility and range of motion. Lesson 3:Weapons training is an excellent addition to an overall health maintenance program as it will help to keep your hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders strong and flexible. Grand Master T. T. Liang was still able to write calligraphy when he was well over 100 years old and was still practicing double Dao (Broadsword) and Jian (double edged straight sword) forms well into his 90’s! He still remains such an inspiration!

Modern Arnis, Anyo Tatlo, Empty Hand Form 3

Sifu practices Modern Arnis’s Empty hand form 3 Lesson 1:Modern Arnis is truly a remarkable Martial Art!It combined the Soft and the Hard,the Internal and the External,the straight and the curved.It flows but is punctuated with strength! Lesson 2:Modern Arnis is relaxed, then strengthens when it issues then it returns to relaxed again…..In order to be prepared:to flow, to follow, to control,to be ready,to issue again! Example:The checking hand of a Modern Arnis adept has a very heavy feeling. When practicing Trapping Hands, the checking hand strikes (stregthens), it does not push, but rather it relaxes after impact and listens, in order to flow, follow, control and then position to strike again.”The live hand seeks the path” Prof. Presas

Joint Locking, how to practice it safely and have it contribute to health maintainance

JRRMAS Staff member JK assists Sifu in an explanation of how to correctly practice Joint Lock’s.Lesson 1:These practices can injure your joints if not practiced properly, Always practice with respect for each others range of motion limitations. Injury is guaranteed if you practice to quickly and use too much external muscular force….Instead, concentrate on the exactness of your fulcrum and lever…. and proper body positioning, listening skills and leverage. Speed is good…..up until the point where the slack is taken out of their jointthen you must go slowly giving them time to ‘slap out’Going slowly at the point that the joint lock is ‘activated’ ……will gradually increase the strength and the range of movement in the jointThen instead of injuring the jointsthey are slowly being strengthened and stretched!Sifu

Modern Arnis Empty Hand Form 2 – Anyo Dalawa

Sifu practices Modern Arnis Empty Hand Form 2 – Anyo DalawaSifu regularly had his Modern Arnis forms corrected by Prof. Presas himself…usually in Sifu’s living room or front yard after one of the East Coast Camps or after one of the many Seminars that Sifu organized for Prof. Presas.Many thanks to Prof. Presas for sharing his art with me! I honor his effort in the most meaningful way I know…. I practice the material!

Modern Arnis, Mobility Throw, following up with standing Goose Neck Lock

Sifu and JRRMAS Staff member PR slowly demonstrate an empty hand application from Single Sinnawalli.With a jab feed Sifu blocks and strikes the ear using Single Sinawalli positioning. Then Sifu’s right hand is controlling PR’s head and Sifu’s left arm is controlling PR’s attacking arm as he flows into a Mobility Throw. Sifu follows up once PR’s on the ground with a Goose Neck Wrist Lock for control. (If the arm resists bending then a standing or lying arm bar can be used) Sifu then uses a Motorcycle Lock on the thumb and pinkie finger to bring PR up to a standing position then he flows into a backward throw and again into a Goose Neck Lock then flows into a Thumb Lock to control PR back up to a standing position following up with a come along Goose Neck Lock then back into a mobility throw. They would then practice the other arm attacking and the other side of the locking series.Lesson 1:Joint locks are opportunistic….one needs to be able to ‘go with the flow’,and have the skill to flow from one lock into anotherin accordance with the energy the opponent is giving you….from standing to the groundand from the ground to standing,with stance work, balance and good body position… and full control at all times!

Modern Arnis, Redonda and Rompida

What is Redonda in Arnis?

Redonda are a sequence of six circular strikes, performed with both hands, bearing similarity to both Double Zero and Figure Eight strikes. Trapping Hands is the empty hand version of Redonda.

JRRMAS Staff member PR assists student AG by holding sticks as targets for the Redonda and Rompida combination drill he is doing.

Drills like Redonda are a basic component in many styles of Martial Arts. Redonda is also the weapons translation of our ‘Trapping Hands” drills. Rompida (up and down) is also a basic found in all weapons arts. These are tried and true techniques that have come down through the ages.

Striving to reach the minimum standard of 10,000 strokes is a must for all serious practitioners…there is NO substitute for repetitions…..get started today!!

Lesson 1:

Practicing double weapons drills will……

Develop coordination between your right side and your left side…..

it will make your weaker side…… stronger!!

Practicing improves grip strength and shoulder flexibility,

and will….

Connect your foot work, your body

and your arms, into one unified movement, working towards…..

“Whole Body Power”

Lesson 2:

“Always use your waist rotating and your weight shifting when practicing”

“Continue striving to connect your whole body, into….. ‘One’! “

“Everything must be aligned, unified, and balanced, then the movement must be coordinated, so that the whole body starts and stops together, in order to develop……………. Whole Body Power”

Modern Arnis Single Sinawalli

Two JRRMAS Modern Arnis Staff members, PR (Black Belt Candidate) and LS (Second Degree Black Belt) practice a double stick drill called ‘Single Sinawalli’ recently at our regular Wed. 6:45-8:15 class NOTE: The public is always welcome at any of our classes. Check out the schedule at JRRoy.comAll Modern Arnis Black Belts train FREE every Wed. evening at JRRMAS – email me for details!Lesson:Notice how they startSlowlythen, they progress in speed until they becomeStiff or Tensethen…. They return to a more relaxed speedBefore….they again return to ‘max’ speed and so on…..from slow to fast, fast to slowjust likepracticing drum rudiments or scalesOnce it tenses up…..try your best to relax at that new speed if you can’tyour finishedSo return to a speed that you CAN relax inThenDo it again!!Practicing for speedIt’s all the same………………….Tension is the opponent!

Modern Arnis – Punyo Passing on right side

Punyo (butt end of the stick) Passing is an integral part of the advanced two person drill”Tapi Tapi” (counter their counter) The Sweep Stroke allows you enter into the correct distance, while controlling their weapon……and positions you to be able to counter their counter (Tapi Tapi)Stealing the ‘Time”…..Stay one step ahead of them!This drill develops….awareness and sensitivity through the stickcontrol and timingand ‘The Flow’now justrepeatand repeatYour skill will improve steadily….with Time and Correct Effort!