Martial Arts & Violence Prevention Resources

Martial Art Links

Twin Cities T’ai Chi Ch’uan – School headed by T.T. Liang’s successors Master Hayward and Sifu Abdella. – Master Ray Hayward’s website. – Master Paul Gallagher’s blog.

Qi Journal – Journal of traditional eastern health and fitness.

Century – Martial art and fitness supplies. We are a Century distributor.

Understanding Violence – Center for Safe Youth. – About violence and injury prevention, at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence – U of CO, Boulder

Bullying Online – Excellent UK resource for kids and parents

London Family Court Clinic, Ontario Canada

Easing the Teasing – Book by Judy S Freedman, L.C.S.W.

Karate, T’ai Chi Ch’uan, Modern Arnis, Qigong, Bagua Zhang
J. R. Roy Martial Arts ~ Since 1972