Youth American Karate-Do – practicing kicks to focus pads

A couple of Little Dragons (4-6 year olds) graduates working with staff and senior students in our regular youth program. NOTE: The attention that is paid to them when they are young is invaluable. It allows them to be able to pay that quality of attention to others as they get older and they themselves get in the position of being the ‘senior student’. A true ‘rite of passage’NOTE: We often have a one to one ratio of Staff and seniors to junior students at JRRMAS

T’ai Chi Ch’uan Dance. Part One, Receiving Side

JRRMAS Staff member BL and Sifu practice Grand Master T. T. Liangs two person “T’ai-Chi Dance”. Grand Master Liang combined numerous drills and applications from the many Masters that he trained with to develop this very unique and advanced sensitivity training method with 176 movements on each side. Part 1 of the Dance is the Yang families ‘Da Lu’ or big Roll Back.

Personal Safety Seminar for High Shool and College students

Genna after her first promotion to White Belt – Fall 2008

A JRRMAS Staff member and I had a meeting this morning with three students from Lisa Moore’s class at Greenfield High School. The purpose was to assist them to organize a single class for GHS Senior girl’s who are getting ready to go away to college. The topic for the class is how they can stay safe.
What kind of information would you like to send along with a daughter, granddaughter, sister or friend, for their first year of College Life??
One idea that comes to mind, is to start preparing them at a young age! Train them to increase awareness, self-control and accountability. Train them to develop the strength necessary to stand up for themselves, set limits with others (themselves too) and the strength to say NO when they need to.
Saying NO is not just about sex!
Send along any ideas that you may have on the subject…..all feedback is welcomed!

Self-Defense policy @ JRRMAS

Just a few words concerning the Studio’s Self-Defense policy.

We seek peaceful means to resolve conflicts.

Success in self-defense is not winning a fight, but avoiding it in the first place.

Remember the following continuum:

If you can’t prevent it, avoid it.

If you can’t avoid it, defuse it.

If you can’t defuse it, escape.

If you can’t escape, you may have to defend yourself .

If you do have to defend yourself, it will always be as a last resort, and only under the direct threat of physical harm, countering with the least amount of force necessary to subdue the attacker.
(A highly trained person can use joint/locks and takedowns to control the attacker with no lasting damage.)