Today marks 9 years of uninterrupted daily practice of the T’ai-Chi Ch’uan form from Master T. T. Liang

Today I enjoyed my 3, 287th day of uninterrupted practice of Master T. T. Liang’s 150 movement T’ai-Chi Solo Form – I feel fortunate to have been healthy enough physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to practice each and every day…truly fortunate!

I feel grateful to my Teachers and the marvelous art that they have so graciously shared with me. This deep well of knowledge for health, well being and longevity called T’ai-Chi!

I feel grateful that I’ve had this run of good health. I know that my commitment to practicing a minimum of one ’round’ per day has contributed greatly to my health and happiness. I also know that I will eventually not be healthy enough to do my daily practice …..but until then …..I will celebrate each and every day that I can by ……..doing it!

I encourage everyone, that is reading this blog, to entertain at least a curiosity about the effects one would feel by committing to developing a ‘daily meditative practice’ like the T’ai-Chi solo form….any form will do…..just commit to doing it for 100 day’s in a row! I promise you will be surprised at the effect in will have on you and your relationship with yourself.

There ….. I’ve got you thinking about it…..An uninterrupted, daily meditative practice, like Tai-Chi

Thoughts about martial arts and the toughest of times

This is an abridged version of a note, that I recently emailed a young student, who has just been through an ordeal and had to rely solely on himself for the first time in his life. In that situation he reflected on how his martial arts training, at JRRMAS, has had an effect on his ability to deal with the stress of it all.
Him sharing his thoughts with me reminded me of why I’ve dedicated my adult life to teaching this stuff, in spite of all the hardships that, that entails.

“After reading your letter, I can appreciate that you now have a deeper level of understanding that one of the main ideas, in what we practice and teach at JRRMAS is to help one get through the toughest of times.
Once a practitioner recognizes that and contemplates it in their daily practice, than things really start to change. At JRRMAS the main purpose of training is to maintain (or develop) ‘robust health’, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually and to train for those times of great pressure and crisis.
So consequently, we train to stay calm, first and foremost, as that will allow us to be balanced, centered and strong, to believe in our self, keep a clear head and act decisively, with compassion”

“Martial Arts training doesn’t start until we confront ourselves”